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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Hskv Hardr 3II/6 — grandmeið ‘harm-tree’

Ásbjǫrn varð, sás orðum
illa helt of stilli,
— gramr fœðir val víða
vígs — í Sarp at stíga.
Nereið lét gramr á grimman
grandmeið Sigars fjanda
(húsþinga galt) hengja
(hrannbáls glǫtuðr mála).

Ásbjǫrn, sás helt illa orðum of stilli, varð at stíga í Sarp; gramr fœðir val vígs víða. Gramr lét hengja Nereið á grimman grandmeið fjanda Sigars; glǫtuðr hrannbáls galt mála húsþinga.

Ásbjǫrn, who kept poor control of his words about the ruler, had to plunge into Sarpfossen; the lord feeds the falcon of slaughter [RAVEN/EAGLE] far and wide. The lord had Nereiðr hanged on the grim harm-tree of Sigarr’s <legendary king’s> enemy [= Hagbarðr > GALLOWS]; the destroyer of wave-fire [GOLD > GENEROUS MAN] paid for his speeches at the assemblies.


[5-6] á grimman grandmeið fjanda Sigars ‘on the grim harm-tree of Sigarr’s <legendary king’s> enemy [= Hagbarðr > GALLOWS]’: For a similar kenning, also employing the adj. grimmr ‘grim’, see Eyv Hál 4/5I.



case: acc.


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