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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Guðl Lv 1III/4 — bug ‘the hollow’

Hrǫkk at Haugabrekku
hóts meirr en til gátum
fyr hyrgœði hríðar
Halldórr í bug skjaldi.

At Haugabrekku hrǫkk Halldórr hóts meirr en gátum til í bug skjaldi fyr hríðar hyrgœði.

At Haugabrekka Halldórr recoiled a great deal more than we expected in the hollow of the shield before the increaser of the fire of battle [(lit. ‘fire-increaser of battle’) SWORD > WARRIOR].


[4] í bug skjaldi ‘in the hollow of the shield’: This phrase occurs in the same position in Hharð Lv 14/4II (see also RvHbreiðm Hl 58/4). To hide in the hollow of one’s shield during a fight was considered an act of cowardice.



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