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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Gamlkan Has 59VII/3 — ramligs ‘of the strong’

Hlut meguð hvern til gotna,
happkunnig, miskunnar
ramligs bús af ræsi
rǫðuls, Máría, ǫðlask.
Vest ávalt at trausti,
vegstýris, mér dýru,
mild, at missak aldri,
móðir *, yðvars góða.

Happkunnig Máría, meguð ǫðlask hvern hlut af ræsi ramligs bús rǫðuls til miskunnar gotna. Vest ávalt mér at dýru trausti, mild móðir * vegstýris, at missak aldri góða yðvars.

Mary, you renowned for good fortune, can obtain everything from the king of the strong homestead of the sun [SKY/HEAVEN > = God] for mercy for men. Always be a precious support to me, gentle mother of the honour-controller [= God (= Christ) > = Mary], so that I may never lose your goodwill.


[3] ramligs bús af ræsi: A strikingly similar l. occurs in Leið 43/7 ramligt hús, þars reistum. Jón Helgason (1935-6, 262) objects to the Christ-kenning ræsir bús rǫðuls ‘king of the dwelling of the sun’, as rǫðuls bú ‘sun’s dwelling’ is apparently without parallel in the skaldic corpus. Jón suggests that bús be emended to býs, which gives the Christ-kenning ræsir býs rǫðuls ‘king of the farm of the sun’, which occurs again at Líkn 19/3. The ms. reading is certain, and the Líkn kenning could well be an ‘embroidery’ on Has. There seems little justification for adopting Jón’s emendation here.




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