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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Note to Hfr ErfÓl 22I

[1] kenni auðar ‘the master of riches [MAN]’: Probably the skald himself, cf. auðhnykkjanda ‘wealth-strewer’ Hfr Lv 18/6V (Hallfr 21). The kenning could alternatively refer to Óláfr, but this entails a complex syntactic arrangement (suggested as an alternative in Hkr 1991). Fsk’s reading kennir (nom.) could be taken as an apostrophe to an unknown person, unusual in an encomium, or as an attempt to supply a subject immediately after the verb segir ‘tells’.


  1. Bibliography
  2. Hkr 1991 = Bergljót S. Kristjánsdóttir et al., eds. 1991. Heimskringla. 3 vols. Reykjavík: Mál og menning.
  3. Internal references
  4. (forthcoming), ‘ Unattributed, Fagrskinna’ in Kari Ellen Gade (ed.), Poetry from the Kings’ Sagas 2: From c. 1035 to c. 1300. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 2. Turnhout: Brepols, p. . <> (accessed 3 June 2024)
  5. Diana Whaley (ed.) 2022, ‘Hallfreðar saga 21 (Hallfreðr vandræðaskáld Óttarsson, Lausavísur 18)’ in Margaret Clunies Ross, Kari Ellen Gade and Tarrin Wills (eds), Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 5. Turnhout: Brepols, p. 899.


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