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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Lil 90VII/4 — mær ‘maid’

Þú ert elskandi ein af sprundum,
ágætust fyrir lítillæti,
um bætandi bragna syndir;
blessuð mær, þú ert drotni kærust.
Þú ert hitnandi heilags anda
höll og prýdd með dáðum öllum,
ei kennandi, kvitt af syndum,
krafta þraung en löstinn aungvan.

Þú ert ein elskandi af sprundum, ágætust fyrir lítillæti, um bætandi syndir bragna; blessuð mær, þú ert kærust drotni. Þú ert hitnandi höll heilags anda og prýdd með öllum dáðum, ei kennandi þraung krafta, kvitt af syndum en aungvan löstinn.

You alone are to be loved among women, most famous for your humility, ameliorating the sins of men; blessed maid, you are most dear to the Lord. You are the warm hall of the Holy Spirit and ornamented with all virtuous deeds, not knowing oppression of powers, free from sins and [having] no fault.


[4] mær þú ert: gæða Vb, 41 8°ˣ



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