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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Lv 6II/3 — ási ‘the sprit’

Hola bôru rístr hlýrum
hreystisprund at sundi
(blæss élreki of ási)
Útsteins (vefi þrútna).
Varla heldr und vildra
víkmarr á jarðríki
— breiðr viðr brimsgang súðum
barmr — lyptingar farmi.

Hreystisprund rístr hola bôru hlýrum at sundi Útsteins; élreki blæss þrútna vefi of ási. Varla heldr víkmarr á jarðríki und vildra farmi lyptingar; breiðr barmr viðr brimsgang súðum.

The spirited woman carves the hollow billow with the bow toward the straits of Utsteinen; the storm-chaser [WIND] fills the swollen sails above the sprit. There is hardly another bay-steed [SHIP] on earth that sails beneath a more precious burden of the deck; the broad rim gains surf-speed for the ship-boards.



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