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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Sigdr I 3II/5 — einkar ‘the exceedingly’

Húf lét hilmir svífa
hafkaldan — lof skaldi
esat of allvalds risnu
einfalt — í Griksalti,
áðr við einkar breiða
auðlestir skip festi
(ǫld beið ǫll með stilli)
Akrsborg (feginsmorgin).

Hilmir lét hafkaldan húf svífa í Griksalti—esat skaldi einfalt lof of risnu allvalds—, áðr auðlestir festi skip við einkar breiða Akrsborg; ǫll ǫld beið feginsmorgin með stilli.

The lord let the sea-cold ship-side rock in the Aegean—the poet’s praise of the mighty ruler’s magnificence is not one-sided—, before the wealth-destroyer [GENEROUS MAN] moored the ship by the exceedingly large city of Acre; all people awaited that morning of joy with the leader.



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