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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Geisl 67VII/3 — órum ‘our [my]’

Talðak fátt ór fjǫlða
friðgegns af jartegnum
(ber koma orð frá órum)
Óláfs (bragar stóli).
Bóls fái seggr, hverrs sólar
siklings, þess’s guð miklar,
hilmis ôst ins hæsta,
heiðbjartrar lof reiðir,

Talðak fátt ór fjǫlða af jartegnum friðgegns Óláfs; ber orð koma frá órum stóli bragar. Hverr seggr, [e]s reiðir lof siklings bóls heiðbjartrar sólar, þess’s guð miklar, fái ôst ins hæsta hilmis,

I have told little from the multitude of miracles of peace-loving Óláfr; clear words come from our [my] seat of poetry [MOUTH]. May each man who spreads the praise of the lord of the dwelling-place of the cloud-free sun [SKY/HEAVEN > = Óláfr], whom God makes great, receive the love of the highest Lord,




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