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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pl 54VII/7 — huggun ‘comfort’

Kenndusk, ôrr þás endi
unnfress sǫgu þessa,
mildir brœðr en móðir
meinstygg sonu dyggva.
Spanði ítr til ynðis
†eir goð…† þeira,
þvíat hrygg saga huggun
hoddskerðǫndum gerði.

Mildir brœðr kenndusk, þás ôrr unnfress endi sǫgu þessa, en meinstygg móðir dyggva sonu. Ítr †eir goð…† spanði … þeira til ynðis, þvíat hrygg saga gerði huggun hoddskerðǫndum.

The pious brothers recognised each other, when the messenger of the wave-bear [SHIP > SEAFARER] finished this story, and the sin-shy mother her excellent sons. The glorious … won their … over to happiness, because the sad story brought comfort to the hoard-diminishers [GENEROUS MEN].



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