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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pl 25VII/5 — Hlaut ‘was allotted’

Ôrr hefr engla stýris
ástlaun af gram raunar
hraustr, sás hér stóðsk freistni
heimsiklings vel mikla.
Hlaut, sás œztr es ýta,
íðn Plácitus fríða;
Evstákíus ævi
albazta sér valði.

Hraustr ôrr stýris, sás stóðsk vel mikla freistni heimsiklings hér, hefr ástlaun raunar af gram engla. Plácitus, sás œztr es ýta, hlaut fríða íðn; Evstákíus valði sér albazta ævi.

The strong messenger of the rudder [SEAFARER], who stood up well to the world-ruler’s [= God] great trial here, receives a loving reward for his ordeal from the prince of angels [= God]. Plácitus, who is the best of men, was allotted a glorious task; Eustace chose for himself the very best life.


[5-8] abbrev. as ‘hlaut sa· e·’ 673b



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