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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 54VII/7 — Pétro ‘to Peter’

Énéas lofi launar
lasta brjót á móti
reistr af kör og Kristum
kátr trúliga játar.
Gladdiz lýðr í Lidda
leystr af villu geystri;
Pétro virðing veitir
víð borg þessi síðan.

Énéas, reistr af kör, launar brjót lasta lofi á móti og játar kátr trúliga Kristum. Lýðr í Lidda, leystr af geystri villu, gladdiz; víð borg þessi veitir virðing Pétro síðan.

Eneas, raised from his sickbed, pays the breaker of sins [APOSTLE] with praise in return, and, joyful, faithfully acknowledges Christ. The people in Lydda, freed from headlong error, rejoiced; this spacious city pays honour to Peter thereafter.



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