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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 50VII/3 — flærða ‘for treacheries’

Héródes bað báru
brattstíganda rígu
lykja flærða fíkinn
fúss í myrku húsi.
Samnaði saman til himna
sauðum guðs af dauða
andar áðr með hendi
alls virðr góður hirðir.

Héródes, fíkinn flærða, fúss, bað rígu lykja brattstíganda báru í myrku húsi. Alls virðr góður hirðir samnaði saman áðr með hendi guðs sauðum til himna af dauða andar.

Herod, hungry for treacheries, eager, ordered with severity that the walker of the steep wave [(lit. ‘steep-walker of the wave’) = Peter] be confined in a prison. The completely revered good pastor previously with his hand gathered together God’s sheep to heaven from the death of the soul.


[2-4] fíkinn flærða fúss ... rígu ‘hungry for treacheries eager ... with severity’: Ms. ‘fus’ emended to fúss to agree with Héródes (m. nom. sg.). Finnur Jónsson (Skj B) takes rígu with fúss and translates: villig til strænghed ‘ready for harshness’. Kock (NN §1753) argues that rígu should instead be taken as an adverbial dat.: ‘with severity’. With free-standing fúss he compares, for example, the OE Genesis B, ll. 442a-3a (in Doane 1991, 216): Angan hine þa gyrwan godes andsaca fus on frætwum ‘eager, an adversary of God began to make himself ready in his war-gear’ (though fus on frætwum is more likely a collocation here: ‘eager in his armour’).



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