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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 39VII/8 — umgerðar ‘the bindings’

Beið, þó að styrjöld stæði,
stálharðr, en guð varði;
snúða liet happa hlæðir
herferð og brá sverði.
Sneið af eyra íðinn
ástverka þræl sterkum,
áðr en andlags gæðir
umgerðar batt sverði.

Stálharðr beið, þó að styrjöld stæði, en varði guð; hlæðir happa liet snúða herferð, og brá sverði. Íðinn ástverka sneið af eyra sterkum þræl, áðr en gæðir andlags batt umgerðar sverði.

Steel-hard he stood firm, though conflict took place, and defended God; the accumulator of blessings [HOLY MAN = Peter] made battle hasten, and drew his sword. Zealous for acts of devotion he cut off the ear of a strong slave, before the strengthener of the counterthrust [WARRIOR = Peter] fastened the bindings on the sword [i.e. returned his sword to its scabbard].


[7-8] áðr en gæðir andlags batt umgerðar sverði ‘before the strengthener of the counterthrust fastened the bindings on the sword’: Finnur Jónsson (Skj B) emends ms. ‘andlags’ to andlangs, takes sverði ‘with the sword’ with ll. 5-6, rather than ll. 7-8, and translates för end himlens styrer forbandt såret ‘before the ruler of heaven bandaged the wound’, admitting parenthetically: denne sætning er usikker ‘this clause is doubtful’ (cf. LP: andlangr). As Kock notes (NN §1740), Christ’s miraculous healing of Malchus’s ear does not involve bandages (cf. Pétr 13/31-2; Luke XXII.51), and gæðir andlags can without difficulty be taken as a warrior kennning (cf. LP: gæðir 2; Meissner, 287-8, 294-5). On umgerðar see Falk 1914, 33-5 (cf. Falk 1914, 28; Fritzner: friðbönd). Cf. John XVIII.11: dixit ergo Iesus Petro mitte gladium in vaginam ‘Jesus therefore said to Peter: put up thy sword into the scabbard’; Pétr 13/25: Petre, sliðra þu sverð þitt ‘Peter, sheathe your sword’; also Pétr2 161/29-30 and PP 285/35: i umgerð ‘into the scabbard’.



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