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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Pét 19VII/8 — snjó ‘snow’

Hóf á fjallið háva
hýrr dagbrauta stýrir
postula Pétr og lýsti
part eilífra skarta.
Ásjónu guðs sýnir
sól bjartari góligr
sonr — gleði var sveinum —
snjó hvítari líta*.

Hýrr stýrir dagbrauta hóf Pétr postula á fjallið háva og lýsti part eilífra skarta. Góligr sonr guðs sýnir ásjónu bjartari sól, hvítari snjó líta*; gleði var sveinum.

The glad ruler of the day-paths [SKY/HEAVEN > = God (= Christ)] raised the Apostle Peter up onto the high mountain and showed him a portion of eternal splendours. The glorious son of God [= Christ] shows a face brighter than the sun, whiter than snow to behold; there was joy among the disciples.


[6, 8] bjartari sól ... hvítari snjó ‘brighter than the sun ... whiter than snow’: Cf. Matt. XVII.2: resplenduit facies eius sicut sol, vestimenta autem eius facta sunt alba sicut nix ‘his face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow’; Pétr 7/2-4: ꜳsiona andlitz hans skein sem sol ꜳ lo᷎nd ukominnar upprisu, klæði hans voru hvit sem snior, biartari var hann en með no᷎ckurri mannligri natturu væri likt ‘the countenance of his face shone like the sun on the lands of the future resurrection, his garments were white as snow, he was brighter than was likely in any human nature’.



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