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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Nkt 68II/9 — hugrakkr ‘the upright’

Kom ráðvǫnd
ræsis dóttir
til næfrlands
nykra borgar
góðrar tíðar
allra helzt
þvít hugrakkr
henni * fylgði
jǫfra systur
sás hefir allra,
ýta vinr,
orðlof fira.

Ráðvǫnd dóttir ræsis kom til nykra borgar næfrlands, gǫfuglynd, góðrar tíðar allra helzt Íslendingum, þvít hugrakkr einkasonr systur jǫfra, hjartaprúðr vinr ýta, sás hefir orðlof allra fira, * fylgði henni,

The counsel-heeding daughter of the ruler came to the land of the roof-shingle of the water-monsters’ stronghold [(lit. ‘roof-shingle-land of the water-monsters’ stronghold’) SEA > ICE > = Iceland], noble-minded, at a good time above all for the Icelanders, because the upright only son of the sovereigns’ sister, the proud-hearted friend of the people who possesses all men’s words of praise, accompanied her.



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