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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mdr 16VII/1 — flæðar ‘of the river’

Viðir Fenris og flæðar
fyrri merkja spyrja
†mier í hyggju harri
hátt faðmandi sátta†,
þvíað, fylling ins fulla
friðar, af þínum iðrum
sýndir, geisla grundar,
guð og mann borinn sannan.

Og viðir flæðar Fenris spyrja fyrri merkja †mier í hyggju harri hátt faðmandi sátta†, þvíað fylling ins fulla friðar grundar geisla, sýndir sannan guð og mann, borinn af iðrum þínum.

And trees of the river of Fenrir <wolf> [BLOOD > WARRIORS] ask about former signs †…†, because, fulfilment of the absolute peace of the land of sun-beams [SKY/HEAVEN], you revealed true God and man, born of your womb.


[1] viðir flæðar Fenris ‘trees of the river of Fenrir [BLOOD > WARRIORS]’: The interpretation of flæð Fenris ‘river of Fenrir’ as ‘blood’ is supported by the blood-kenning Fenris brunnr ‘Fenrir’s spring’ in two mss of Bjhit Lv 19/3-4V (see Skj AI, 304). Man-kennings on the ‘tree of blood’ model are not attested elsewhere in the corpus. Kock (NN §1641) follows Finnur Jónsson (Skj B) in interpolating bliks gen. sg. ‘of the gleam’ and deleting ms. ‘og’, creating the man-kenning, viðir bliks flæðar Fenris ‘trees of the gleam of the river of Fenrir [BLOOD > SWORD > WARRIORS]’. This, however, has no ms. justification.



case: gen.


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