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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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HSt Rst 22I/3 — haska

Randsíks remmilauka
rógsvellir bað fella
— styrr þreifsk — stœrri aska
strangr á Orm inn langa.
Ættstórr ella mætti
Eirekr í dyn geira
oflinn aldri vinna.
Óláfr und veg sólar.

Strangr rógsvellir bað remmilauka randsíks fella stœrri aska á Orm inn langa; styrr þreifsk. Ella mætti ættstórr Eirekr aldri vinna oflinn í dyn geira. Óláfr und veg sólar …

The tough strife-sweller [WARRIOR = Eiríkr] ordered the forceful masts of the shield-whitefish [SWORD > WARRIORS] to make larger ash-timbers fall onto Ormr inn langi (‘the Long Serpent’); battle flourished. Otherwise, the high-born Eiríkr would never have been able to defeat the mighty snake in the din of spears [BATTLE]. Óláfr under the path of the sun [SKY] …



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