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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Bragi Rdr 2III/1 — gegna ‘encountering’

Nema svát góð ins gjalla
gjǫld baugnafaðs vildi
meyjar hjóls inn mæri
mǫgr Sigvarðar Hǫgna.

Nema svát inn mæri mǫgr Sigvarðar vildi góð gjǫld ins gjalla baugnafaðs hjóls meyjar Hǫgna.

Unless in such a way that the famous son of Sigurðr [= Ragnarr loðbrók] should want good recompense for the resounding boss-hubbed wheel of the maid of Hǫgni <legendary king> [= Hildr > SHIELD].



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