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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Hsv 54VII/3 — heldr ‘rather’

Aura þína        skaltu eigi til ónýtis hafa;
        heldr neyt með hagspeki;
válaðr verðr,        sá er eigi vinna má,
        ef hann hefr aurum amat.

Skaltu eigi hafa aura þína til ónýtis; heldr neyt með hagspeki; verðr válaðr, sá er eigi má vinna, ef hann hefr amat aurum.

You must not have your money for no use; rather use it with sense; he who cannot work becomes poor if he has squandered his money.


[3] heldr: ok 1199ˣ, hafna 401ˣ, om. 624



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