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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Vestv 5I/7 — heillum

Knútr hefr okkr inn ítri
alldáðgǫfugr bôðum
hendr, es hilmi fundum,
Húnn, skrautliga búnar.
Þér gaf hann mǫrk eða meira
margvitr ok hjǫr bitran
golls — ræðr gǫrva ǫllu
goð sjalfr — en mér halfa.

Inn ítri Knútr, alldáðgǫfugr, hefr búnar hendr okkr bôðum skrautliga, Húnn, es fundum hilmi. Þér gaf hann margvitr mǫrk eða meira golls ok bitran hjǫr, en mér halfa; goð sjalfr ræðr ǫllu gǫrva.

The excellent Knútr, highly renowned for deeds, has adorned both our arms splendidly, Húnn (‘Bear-Cub’) [Bersi], when we met the ruler. To you he, wise in many ways, gave a mark or more of gold and a sharp sword, and to me half [a mark]; God himself decides everything completely.



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