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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Alpost 4VII/4 — brjósti ‘breast’

Jón fekk ást af hreinum
óþrotnanda drottni;
lærði hann lögmál dýrðar,
ljóst yfir Jésú brjósti.
Hann stóð Krist undir krossi
kæstr Máríe næstri;
hann drakk eitr hjá ýtum
einfaldr með trú hreina.
Gleði Jésús hier inni
Jóns postula minni.

Jón fekk ást af hreinum óþrotnanda drottni; yfir Jésú brjósti lærði hann ljóst lögmál dýrðar. Hann stóð undir krossi Krist, kæstr Máríe næstri; einfaldr drakk hann eitr hjá ýtum með hreina trú. Jésús gleði hier inni minni Jóns postula.

John received love from the pure unfailing Lord; on Jesus’s breast he learned the clear law of glory. He stood under the Cross of Christ, dearest to Mary [who was] closest by; straightforward, he drank poison among men, with pure faith. May Jesus make joyful herein a memorial toast for John the Apostle.


[3] yfir Jésú brjósti ‘on Jesus’s breast’: An echo of John XIII.25 cum recubuisset ille supra pectus Iesu ‘when he leaned upon the breast of Jesus’; cf. John XXI.20 qui et recubuit in cena super pectus eius ‘who also leaned on his breast at supper’. The latter verse is part of the gospel readings for the feast of John the Apostle (27 Dec.); cf. Ordo Nidr. 159: Dixit ihesus petro ‘Jesus said to Peter’ (John XXI.19-24; cf. Ordo Nidr. 490). The poet doubtless recalls the gospel passage directly, although the same detail is incorporated in brief accounts such as IO 71, 1; cf. Jón1x 413. It is also repeated in prayers to John, see Gjerløw 1980, I, 180 [Mortemer].



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