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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Gestumbl Heiðr 28VIII (Heiðr 75)/2 — vaxin ‘grown’

Nær var forðum         nösgás vaxin,
barngjörn, sú er bar         bútimbr saman.
Hlífðu henni         hálms bitskálmir;
þó lá drykkjar         drynhraun yfir.
Heiðrekr konungr,         hyggðu at gátu.

Nösgás var forðum nær vaxin, barngjörn, sú er bar saman bútimbr. Bitskálmir hálms hlífðu henni; þó lá drynhraun drykkjar yfir. Heiðrekr konungr, hyggðu at gátu.

Long ago, a nostrils-goose [DUCK] was nearly grown, child-eager, who brought house-timber together. Biting-swords of straw [OX TEETH] protected her; yet the bellowing lava-field of drink [OX SKULL] lay over. King Heiðrekr, think about the riddle.



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