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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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GunnLeif Merl I 80VIII/8 — brezkar ‘the British’

‘Kømr kaupskapar         kappgóðr þinig
villigalti         virðum samna,
þeims af fróni         flýðu áðan.
Lætr hann byggva þá         brezkar jarðir,
borgir eyddar,         ból góligust.

‘Kappgóðr villigalti kaupskapar kømr þinig samna virðum, þeims flýðu áðan af fróni. Hann lætr þá byggva brezkar jarðir, eyddar borgir, góligust ból.

‘The wild boar of commerce, exceedingly good, will come there to gather men who had previously fled from the land. He causes them to settle the British lands, the devastated cities, the choicest estates.



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