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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Tindr Hákdr 8I/3 — gnótt ‘plenty’

Þá* veit ǫld, meðan aldir,
Yggs, Þriðja man byggva,
gnótt þess’s gǫglum veitti,
gæfs Hôkunar ævi.
Því hykk †bitrum beita
bǫnd at vildu landi
hykk ‘lar eide’ lýða
lætr hverjum gram betri.†

Ǫld veit þá* ævi gæfs Hôkunar, þess’s veitti gǫglum Yggs gnótt, meðan aldir byggva man Þriðja. Því hykk …

People will know about the life of generous Hákon, who supplied plenty to the geese of Yggr <= Óðinn> [RAVENS], as long as generations inhabit the maiden of Þriði <= Óðinn> [= Jǫrð (jǫrð ‘land’)]. For this reason I think …



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