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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Sigv Erlfl 8I/3 — jólum ‘Christmas’

Drakk eigi ek drykkju
dag þann, es mér sǫgðu
Erlings tál, at jólum
allglaðr, þess’s réð Jaðri.
Hans mun dráp of drúpa
dýrmennis mér kenna;
hǫfuð bôrum vér hæra
— hart morð vas þat — forðum.

Ek drakk eigi drykkju allglaðr at jólum þann dag, es sǫgðu mér tál Erlings, þess’s réð Jaðri. Dráp hans, dýrmennis, mun kenna mér of drúpa; vér bôrum hǫfuð hæra forðum; þat vas hart morð.

I did not drink my drink very happily [lit. happy] at Christmas on the day when they told me of the betrayal of Erlingr, the one who ruled Jæren. The killing of him, the splendid person, will cause me to droop; we [I] carried our head higher before; that was a harsh murder.



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