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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þul Trollkvenna 3III/6 — Simul ‘Simul’

Hrímgerðr, Hæra,         Herkja, fála,
Imð, Járnsaxa,         Íma, Fjǫlvǫr,
mǫrn, Íviðja,         Ámgerðr, Simul,
Sívǫr, Skríkja,         Sveipinfalda.

Hrímgerðr, Hæra, Herkja, fála, Imð, Járnsaxa, Íma, Fjǫlvǫr, mǫrn, Íviðja, Ámgerðr, Simul, Sívǫr, Skríkja, Sveipinfalda.

Hrímgerðr, Hæra, Herkja, troll-woman, Imð, Járnsaxa, Íma, Fjǫlvǫr, giantess, Íviðja, Ámgerðr, Simul, Sívǫr, Skríkja, Sveipinfalda.


[6] Simul: ‘simmul’ C


[6] Simul: According to Motz (1981, 502), this name is the same as the noun simul f. ‘female reindeer’ (cf. New Norw. sømmøl, sumul ‘female reindeer’; ÍO: simul 1), modelled on the same pattern as the giantess-names Geitla or Hyndla (see Note to st. 1/5 above). As the name of a troll-woman, the heiti does not occur elsewhere, unless it is used with the meaning ‘troll-woman’ in HHund I 42/8 (so S-G II, 95). Bugge (1896b, 248 anm. 3, followed by Finnur Jónsson 1934-5, 307) translates simul, which must be a term of abuse in this context, as ‘cow’ (cf. also simull m. among the heiti for ‘ox’ in Þul Øxna 2/4). Otherwise the word is attested in Gylf (SnE 2005, 14) as the name of a carrying-pole.



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