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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Lausavísa — Ásd LvV (Gr)

Ásdís Bárðardóttir

Ásdís Bárðardóttir, Lausavísa — Vol. 5 — Jonathan Grove

Jonathan Grove (forthcoming), ‘ Ásdís Bárðardóttir, Lausavísa’ in Margaret Clunies Ross, Kari Ellen Gade and Tarrin Wills (eds), Poetry in Sagas of Icelanders. Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages 5. Turnhout: Brepols, p. . <> (accessed 5 June 2024)


Munduð ei síðr en sauðir
(Sýrar gráts) fyr dýri
(komit er norðr at Njǫrðum
nýtt skaup), á sjá hlaupa,
ef styrviðir stæði,
stála Freyr, í eyju
(verit hefi ek lofs um lýði
ljett) ósjúkan Gretti.
The new edition is unavailable.
This text is from an old edition

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Information about a text: poem, sequence of stanzas, or prose work

This page is used for different resources. For groups of stanzas such as poems, you will see the verse text and, where published, the translation of each stanza. These are also links to information about the individual stanzas.

For prose works you will see a list of the stanzas and fragments in that prose work, where relevant, providing links to the individual stanzas.

Where you have access to introduction(s) to the poem or prose work in the database, these will appear in the ‘introduction’ section.

The final section, ‘sources’ is a list of the manuscripts that contain the prose work, as well as manuscripts and prose works linked to stanzas and sections of a text.