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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Krm 25VIII/2 — lægir ‘laugh’

Hjuggu vér með hjörvi.
Hitt lægir mik jafnan,
at Baldrs föður bekki
búna veit ek at sumblum.
Drekkum bjór af bragði
ór bjúgviðum hausa;
sýtir ei drengr við dauða
dýrs at Fjölnis húsum.
Eigi kem ek með æðru
orð til Viðris hallar.

Hjuggu vér með hjörvi. Hitt lægir mik jafnan, at ek veit bekki föður Baldrs búna at sumblum. Drekkum bjór af bragði ór bjúgviðum hausa; drengr sýtir ei við dauða at húsum dýrs Fjölnis. Ek kem eigi með orð æðru til hallar Viðris.

We hewed with the sword. It always makes me laugh to know that the benches of the father of Baldr <god> [= Óðinn] are prepared for banquets. We’ll soon be drinking beer out of the curved trees of skulls [DRINKING HORNS]; a fellow does not regret death in the dwellings of glorious Fjǫlnir <= Óðinn> [= Valhǫll]. I do not come with words of fear to the hall of Viðrir <= Óðinn> [= Valhǫll].


[2] Hitt lægir mik (‘hitt hlægir mig’): ‘hitt hl(æ)[…]’(?) 147


[2] hitt lægir mik ‘it makes me laugh’: The initial <h> in hlægir has been omitted here in keeping with Finnur Jónsson (1893b; 1905; Skj B) and Kock (Skald) to avoid double alliteration in this even D4-line. 



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