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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Krm 4VIII/4 — heimsala ‘the dwellings’

Hjuggu vér með hjörvi.
Heðins kvánar varð auðit,
þá er vér Helsingja heimtum
til heimsala Óðins.
Lögðum upp í Ívu;
oddr náði þá bíta;
öll var unda gjálfri
á sú roðin heitu.
Grenjaði brandr við brynjur
bensildr; klufuz skildir.

Hjuggu vér með hjörvi. Kvánar Heðins varð auðit, þá er vér heimtum Helsingja til heimsala Óðins. Lögðum upp í Ívu; þá náði oddr bíta; öll sú á var roðin heitu gjálfri unda. Brandr grenjaði við brynjur, bensildr; skildir klufuz.

We hewed with the sword. The woman of Heðinn <legendary hero> [= Hildr (hildr ‘battle’)] was at hand when we brought the people of Hälsingland to the dwellings of Óðinn <god> [= Valhǫll]. We proceeded up the Ífa <river>; then the sword-point managed to bite; that whole river was reddened by a hot surge of wounds [BLOOD]. The sword roared on coats of mail, [as did] wound-herrings [ARROWS/SPEARS]; shields were cloven.


[4] heimsala: heimsala with ‘Heimdala’ in margin


[4] heimsala Óðins ‘the dwellings of Óðinn <god> [= Valhǫll]’: Valhǫll, where the god Óðinn, also known as Valfǫðr ‘Father of the Slain’, welcomes all who fall in battle, is described in Gylf (SnE 2005, 21, 32-4). Cf. st. 28, Note to l. 9, below, and also sts 25 and 29, and Notes there.



case: gen.
number: pl.


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