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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Mhkv 5III/9 — einkar ‘especially’

Alllítit er ungs manns gaman;
einum þykkir daufligt saman;
annars barn er sem úlf at frjá;
óðfúss myndi blindr at sjá.
Dýrt láta menn dróttins orð;
drekarnir rísa opt á sporð;
ǫðlingr skyldi einkar rǫskr;
œpa kann í mœrum frǫskr.

Alllítit er gaman ungs manns; daufligt þykkir einum saman; barn annars er sem úlf at frjá; óðfúss myndi blindr at sjá. Menn láta dýrt orð dróttins; drekarnir rísa opt á sporð; ǫðlingr skyldi einkar rǫskr; frǫskr kann œpa í mœrum.

It takes very little to amuse a young man; life seems dreary to one alone; to love another’s child is like cherishing a wolf; desperately would the blind one wish to see. People say a lord’s word is precious; dragons often rise up on their tail; a prince should be especially brave; a frog can croak in the marshes.



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