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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ÞGísl Búdr 3I/4 — ræsis ‘of the ruler [Hákon]’

Bôru raukn rasta
rekka geðfasta
— þrǫng at rym randa —
til ræsis landa.
Við nam víðr mǫrgum
— vôpn eru grimm tǫrgum —
— nýtt gafsk nest hrǫfnum —
Nóregr skipstǫfnum.

Raukn rasta bôru geðfasta rekka til landa ræsis; þrǫng at rym randa. Víðr Nóregr nam við mǫrgum skipstǫfnum; vôpn eru grimm tǫrgum; nýtt nest gafsk hrǫfnum.

The draught animals of currents [SHIPS] carried the mind-firm warriors to the lands of the ruler [Hákon]; the clatter of shields [BATTLE] closed in. Far-reaching Norway halted many ship-prows; weapons are harsh towards targes; fresh provisions were given to ravens.



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