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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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RvHbreiðm Hl 74III/8 — knífum ‘by knives’

Slíðrar tungur snarpar gengu;
sullu benjar; hlífðir gullu;
hilmir vakði — hneitir rakði
hjǫrva salma — skúrir malma.
Hyggju knarrar harða veggi
hjoggu sverðum vísa ferðir
vægðar trauð*ar valskrar þjóðar
varg at tafni knífum grafna.

Snarpar tungur slíðrar gengu; benjar sullu; hlífðir gullu; hilmir vakði skúrir malma; hneitir rakði salma hjǫrva. Ferðir vísa, trauð*ar vægðar, hjoggu sverðum harða veggi knarrar hyggju, grafna knífum, valskrar þjóðar varg at tafni.

Sharp tongues of the scabbard [SWORDS] wagged; wounds swelled; shields resounded; the ruler stirred up showers of weapons [BATTLES]; the sword spread psalms of swords [BATTLES]. The leader’s companies, reluctant to grant mercy, cut with swords the hard walls of the ship of thought [HEART > CHESTS], incised by knives, of French people as food for the wolf.



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