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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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RvHbreiðm Hl 50III/8 — môs ‘gull’

Hausa beit hjalm-Týs
hjaldrliðr allstiðr;
sundra nam snarbeind*
sverðs egg manns legg.
Veita réð vellbrjótr
valgjóð hræflóð;
haukum vas hjǫrleiks
hjaldrmôs gefin krôs.

Allstiðr hjaldrliðr hjalm-Týs beit hausa; snarbeind* egg sverðs nam sundra legg manns. Vellbrjótr réð veita valgjóð hræflóð; krôs hjaldrmôs vas gefin haukum hjǫrleiks.

The thoroughly stiff battle-snake [SWORD] of the helmet-Týr <god> [WARRIOR] bit skulls; the powerfully straightened edge of the sword sundered a man’s leg. The gold-breaker [GENEROUS MAN] gave carrion-flood [BLOOD] to the corpse-buzzard [RAVEN/EAGLE]; the morsel of the battle-gull [RAVEN/EAGLE > CORPSES] was given to hawks of sword-play [BATTLE > RAVENS/EAGLES].


[8] ‑môs: ‘nios’ papp25ˣ, ‘niós’ R683ˣ


[8] hjaldrmôs ‘of the battle-gull [RAVEN/EAGLE]’: The mss have ‘nios’ and ‘niós’ which are clear misreadings (<ni> for <m>).



case: gen.


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