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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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SnSt Ht 71III/7 — skati ‘lord’

Slóð kann sneiðir
seima geima
hnigfák Haka
hleypa greypa,
hinns af hlunni
hesta festa
lætr leyfðr skati
langa ganga.

Sneiðir seima kann hleypa hnigfák Haka greypa slóð geima, leyfðr skati, hinns lætr langa hesta festa ganga af hlunni.

The cutter of gold [GENEROUS MAN] can make the bucking horse of Haki <sea-king> [SHIP] run across the rough track of the sea, the praised lord, the one who makes long horses of moorings [SHIPS] step off the launching roller.



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