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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Øxfl 2III/2 — beðvinu ‘bedmate’

Eigi þverr fyr augna
Óðs beðvinu Róða
ræfrs (eignisk sá) regni
ramsvell (konungr elli).

Ramsvell ræfrs Róða þverr eigi fyr regni augna beðvinu Óðs; eignisk sá konungr elli.

The strong ice-sheet of Róði’s <sea-king’s> roof [SHIELD > AXE/SWORD] does not diminish because of the rain of the eyes [TEARS] of Óðr’s <mythical person’s> bedmate [= Freyja > GOLD]; may that king reach old age.


[2] beðvinu: ‘[…]no’ U(33r), ‘benuidu’ C


[1-2, 3] regni augna beðvinu Óðs ‘the rain of the eyes [TEARS] of Óðr’s <mythical person’s> bedmate [= Freyja > GOLD]’: According to Old Norse myth, Óðr was Freyja’s husband. For Freyja weeping tears of gold, see Note to st. 1/1, 4 above.



case: gen.


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