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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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ESk Øxfl 4III/4 — vǫrn ‘protection’

Nýt buðumk (Njarðar dóttur)
(nálægt vas þat -skála)
(vel of hrósak því) vísa
vǫrn (sævar ǫl-) (barni).

Nýt buðumk vísa vǫrn; þat vas nálægt ǫlskála sævar; of hrósak því barni dóttur Njarðar vel.

The useful one offered me secure protection; that was close to the ale-hall by the sea; I truly praise that child of Njǫrðr’s <god’s> daughter [= Freyja > = Hnoss (hnoss ‘treasure’)].


[3-4] vísa vǫrn ‘secure protection’: So Skj B. Both Skald and Faulkes construe vísa as the noun vísa (m. gen. sg.) ‘of the ruler’ qualifying vǫrn ‘protection of the ruler’ (see NN §§2057B, 2509, 2902F, SnE 1998, II, 430; but see Kuhn 1936b, 148 n. 1).



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