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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Óldr 18I/5 — flærð ‘deceit’

Firrði hjǫrr við herðar
haus; sagði frið lausan
dylgju reyr it dýra;
drósk almr fyr grams hjalmi.
Norn kom flærð at fjǫrnis
(folktjald rufu) skjaldar;
sôr frák snǫrpum dreyra
seggjum (langbarðs eggjar).

Hjǫrr firrði haus við herðar; it dýra reyr dylgju sagði frið lausan; almr drósk fyr hjalmi grams. Norn skjaldar kom at flærð fjǫrnis; eggjar langbarðs rufu folktjald; frák sôr dreyra snǫrpum seggjum.

Sword removed skull from shoulders; the precious reed of enmity [SPEAR] pronounced peace over; the bow was drawn before the lord’s helmet. The norn of the shield [AXE] came to deceit of the helmet [BATTLE]; the edges of the sword ripped the battle-tent [SHIELD]; I have heard that wounds bled on keen warriors.


[5] flærð fjǫrnis ‘deceit of the helmet [BATTLE]’: The base-word of this battle-kenning is unusual, but cf. Kári Lv 4/6V (Nj 49) malmróg ‘metal-slander’. Finnur Jónsson (Skj B), followed by Kock (Skald), reads norn skjaldar kom flærð at fjǫrni ‘the norn of the shield brought ruin to the helmet’, but this requires emendation of fjǫrnis to fjǫrni and an apparently unparalleled sense of flærð f., which is normally ‘deceit, falsehood, sin’.



case: dat.


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