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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Óldr 5I/1 — Vestr ‘westwards’

Vestr helt varga nistir
víðfrægr lagar skíðum
(ár* rauð ungr í þeiri)
Englands á vit (branda).
Fyrr vann ǫðlingr errinn,
(engr) an Nóreg fengi,
hár* (vas hilmi dýrri)
hefnð síns fǫður efnða.

Víðfrægr nistir varga helt skíðum lagar vestr á vit Englands; ungr rauð branda ár* í þeiri. Hár*, errinn ǫðlingr vann hefnð fǫður síns efnða fyrr an fengi Nóreg; engr vas dýrri hilmi.

The wide-renowned wolves’ provider [WARRIOR] steered skis of the ocean [SHIPS] westwards towards England; young, he reddened swords early on that [journey]. The tall, vigorous prince succeeded in carrying out vengeance for his father before he would take Norway; no-one was worthier than the ruler.



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