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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Anon Leið 19VII/6 — yfirmanni ‘overseer’

Tunglbryggju gaf tyggi
tíu orð laga forðum
— fríðr af fǫstu mœðisk —
fjǫlhress goðs vin Móises,
ok þrekprúðum þjóðar
þann veg yfirmanni
várr dróttinn lét veittan
víðkunnan dag sunnu.

Fjǫlhress tyggi tunglbryggju gaf forðum Móises, goðs vin, tíu orð laga — fríðr mœðisk af fǫstu —, ok dróttinn várr lét veittan þrekprúðum yfirmanni þjóðar þann víðkunnan veg sunnu dag.

The very hearty king of the moon-pier [SKY/HEAVEN > = God] once gave Moses, God’s friend, ten words of law — the handsome one grows weary from fasting —, and our Lord let the strength-magnificent overseer of the people [RULER = Moses] be granted that widely-known honour on a Sunday.



case: dat.


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