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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þfagr Sveinn 4II/6 — tamðra ‘tamed’

Fjǫrs man flestum hersi
fengsæll Dana þengill
— reiðr hefr hann fyr hauðri
hábrynjuð skip — synja,
ef húnferils hreina
hlunntamðra rekr sunnan
við Hǫrða gram harðan
hundruð sex til fundar.

Fengsæll þengill Dana man synja flestum hersi fjǫrs—reiðr hefr hann hábrynjuð skip fyr hauðri—, ef rekr sex hundruð hlunntamðra hreina húnferils sunnan til fundar við harðan gram Hǫrða.

The booty-blessed lord of the Danes [DANISH KING = Sveinn] may deny life to most hersar—enraged, he has armoured ships before the land—, if he steers six hundred roller-tamed reindeer of the mast-top track [SEA > SHIPS] from the south to the encounter with the harsh ruler of the Hǫrðar [NORWEGIAN KING = Haraldr].


[6] ‑tamðra: so FskAˣ, tamða FskBˣ, 51ˣ


[6] hlunntamðra (m. gen. pl.) ‘roller-tamed’: Hlunnr was a wooden roller used to support a ship standing on land or part of a slip-way used for launching ships. The image here is that of reindeer (of the sea) tamed to step on or rest among rollers, i.e. of a ship being beached or launched.




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