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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Note to Ólhv Frag 3III

[All]: The corresponding example in Donatus (Keil 1855-80, IV, 395) is audio secutorem retiarium superasse ‘I hear the secutor defeated the retiarius’ (secutor and retiarius are types of gladiator). Finnur Jónsson (TGT 1927, 59 n.) speculates on whether the couplet was composed by Óláfr, and the similarities between the two examples indicate strongly that the Old Norse was modelled on the Latin.


  1. Bibliography
  2. TGT 1927 = Finnur Jónsson, ed. 1927b. Óláfr Þórðarson: Málhljóða- og málskrúðsrit. Grammatisk-retorisk afhandling. Det kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historisk-filologiske meddelelser 13, 2. Copenhagen: Høst.
  3. Keil, Heinrich, ed. 1855-80. Grammatici Latini. 8 vols. Leipzig: Teubner.


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