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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Þjóð Yt 17I/8 — brenna ‘burned’

Veitk Eysteins
enda folginn
lokins lífs
á Lófundi.
Ok sikling
með Svíum kvôðu
józka menn
inni brenna.
Ok bitsótt
í brandnói
hlíðar þangs
á hilmi rann,
þás timbrfastr
toptar nǫkkvi
flotna fullr
of fylki brann.

Veitk enda lokins lífs Eysteins folginn á Lófundi. Ok kvôðu með Svíum józka menn brenna inni sikling. Ok bitsótt þangs hlíðar rann á hilmi í brandnói, þás timbrfastr nǫkkvi toptar, fullr flotna, brann of fylki.

I know the end of the concluded life of Eysteinn to be hidden in Lófund. And among the Swedes [people] said that men from Jutland burned the ruler inside [a house]. And the biting sickness of the sea-weed of the hill-slope [FOREST > FIRE] attacked the ruler in the fire-ship [HOUSE] when the timber-fast boat of the building plot [HOUSE], full of seafarers, burned over the ruler.



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