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Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middle Ages

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Ólhv Hák 1II/4 — sjǫt ‘houses’

Vígstorma, namt Vermum,
valdr, fláræði gjalda;
lézt ræsir gim geisa;
gekk eldr of sjǫt rekka.
Bœndr hlutu kvǫl, þás kyndisk
kapps hár logi, sára;
gegn, létuð hyr hegna,
hjaldréls frǫmuðr, vélar.

Valdr vígstorma, namt gjalda Vermum fláræði; ræsir, lézt gim geisa; eldr gekk of sjǫt rekka. Bœndr hlutu sára kvǫl, þás kapps hár logi kyndisk; gegn frǫmuðr hjaldréls, létuð hyr hegna vélar.

Controller of battle-storms [WARRIOR = Hákon], you repaid the Vermir for their treason; ruler, you made fire rage; flames rose above men’s houses. Farmers suffered bitter torment when the tremendously high blaze was kindled; righteous promoter of the battle-shower [WARRIOR = Hákon], you made fire punish their deceits.


[4] eldr gekk of sjǫt rekka ‘flames rose above men’s houses’: Cf. Arn Hardr 1/2, eldr rann of sjǫt manna ‘flames ran through men’s houses’.



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